What you’ll learn
UCAA’s first administrators were a Canadian Jesuit, Lucien Matte, and an American, Harold W. Bentley (1961-1962). Subsequently, a policy of Ethiopianization led to the appointment of Lej (later Dajja ̄zma ̄ch) Ka ̄sa ̄ Walda Ma ̄rya ̄m (1962-1969) (an Oromo of Wallagga ̄ and sometime provin- cial governor who later married a princess) as the first president. (The Chancellor was until 1974 the Emperor himself). The presidency was suc- cessively held by Aklilu Habte ̄ (1969-1974), Ta ̄yye ̄ Gullila ̄t (1974-1977), Duri Muhammad (who served for two terms: 1977-1985, 1991-1995), Abiy Kifla (1985-1991), Alama ̄yyahu Tafarra ̄ (the first-ever elected executive) ( 1 9 9 2 – 1 9 9 3 ) , M o g a s e ̄ A s h a n n a ̄ f i ( 1 9 9 5 – 2 0 0 0 ) , E s h a t u W a n c h a q q o ( a l s o elected) (2001-2002), and Andreas Esheté, the current incumbent.
Course Topics
According to Trudeau (1968: 55-56): “Classes began at the University College of Addis Ababa on December 11, 1950. It was a humble begin- ning. There was a staff of nine teachers, the principal included. There were seventy-one students, all men…” The first decade of its existence lasting from 1950 to 1960 can be described as a period of slow but steady growth in terms of infrastructure. In 1961 it had about 900 students and 100 academic staff members. (Twenty years later the number of students had risen to 11,000 [including fee-paying ones attending evening classes] and that of the academic staff to 600). “By the end of the first decade of its existence, Addis Abeba [Haile Sellassie I] University had grown to be one of the largest universities in sub-Sahara[n] Africa in both enrolment and diversity of educational programs” (Fisseha 1984: 1, 11).
10 Topics in 15 weeks
Quizz 1er after 2 weeks — 10%
1-Homework after 4 weeks- 30%
Intra after 8 weeks- 20%
2- Homework after 10 weeks- 15%
Quiz after 12 weeks — 10%
Final after 15 weeks –15%