UJU-NURS Pathophysiology for Nursing-2

Nursing : This course will build on previous knowledge from NUR1 209, and focus on the study of the physiology of organ systems and the pathophysiologic alterations in health across the lifespan, looking at selected diseases of the reproductive, cardiovascular, renal, digestive, and neurological. endocrine and hematological systems that are the most prevalent in North America. It will explore concepts of disease causation in the: acquired, immune, infectious, carcinogenic, genetic, and biochemical alterations in health in selected body systems. There will be an emphasis on etiology, cellular and systemic pathophysiologic responses, clinical manifestations, diagnostic, and treatment modalities.


We specialize in research and application of life principles. Courses in a variety of subjects that help you discover your goal in life and the power inside of you.

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