They importance of young people to end their high school degree become primordial to every youth to sek for the UnioJah University. Jah is the word and the word is God.
Getting your high school degree in the UnionJah University is the best thing t do in 2023-2030. Make a world of technicals skills become also a living skills to your surroundings.
Unionjah University offer student to complete High school program. It should be a priority for youths to have completed the high school to have access to the other programs in the University. The high school program give also access to technical skill like plumber, electricty, industrial mecanics, building houses or construction and materials.
Student will complete their high school in 2 years in the begginer level and in 1 year in the intermediate level.
The advanced level high school is for propose advance technicall skills to achieve a specialty to work as a professionnel.
The high school begginner
Begginer: Mathematics 436, physic, chemistry, french, english, biology. Regular
courses will include Mathematics 536, physic, chemistry, french, english, biology.