THIS Courses will explain:
The Electrocardiogram, trouble of conduction, trouble in the rhythm, Myocardial soufferation
- Electrophysiology of Heart.
- ECG / EKG interpretation.
- Bipolar Limb Leads.
- Augmented Unipolar Limb Leads.
- Chest Leads.
- QRS Complex – Nomenclature
- QRS Complex Variants in Limb Leads.
- Abnormalities of R wave progression in chest leads.
10 Topics in 15 weeks
Quizz 1er after 2 weeks — 10%
1-Homework after 4 weeks- 30%
Intra after 8 weeks- 20%
2- Homework after 10 weeks- 15%
Quiz after 12 weeks — 10%
Final after 15 weeks –15%
Course Content