What you’ll learn
At the same period that Italian architects had their hands full of new projects to build the new national identity, Ethiopia had their land full of Italian soldiers trying to expand the Italian colonial territories, leaving traces of blood behind. The project of the Casa del Mutilato, the setting of Trialogue, began in 1936, the exact same year that Mussolini declared the Italian Empire after entering Addis Ababa with mustard gas. The same year Haile Selassie, Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia gave a speech at the League of Nations to appeal for justice towards his people against Italian atrocities in his home country. Lastly, in 1936, the British artist Sylvia Pankhurst launched the first number of the self-published weekly newspaper “New Times and Ethiopian News. For Liberty, International Justice and Democracy”, a pro-Ethiopian and anti-fascist newspaper.
Course Topics
10 Topics in 15 weeks
Quizz 1er after 2 weeks — 10%
1-Homework after 4 weeks- 30%
Intra after 8 weeks- 20%
2- Homework after 10 weeks- 15%
Quiz after 12 weeks — 10%
Final after 15 weeks –15%