About this Course
The purpose of university training is to produce people capable of achieving the progress and advancement of the nation. People of such caliber are expected to possess deep insight, high academic discipline and intellectual zeal to crave and search for truth, to know not only the causes but also effective remedies for any ills that affect the society. Unless one is guided by such noble objectives – to know, not only the maladies and how to expound them in vain words but also to present effective solutions and accomplish them – the possession of degrees alone does not classify anyone as fully educated.
“A fundamental objective of the University must be the safeguarding and the developing of the culture of the people which it serves. This University is a product of that culture; it is the grouping together of those capable of understanding and using the accumulated heritage of the Ethiopian people. In this University men and women will, working in association with one another, study the well-springs of our culture, trace its development, and mould its future”. (Haile Selassie, 1979:19-20).
What you’ll learn
This is particularly so at this period, crowded as it is with continuous change and improvement. Moreover, since our educational system is essentially based upon the exper- ience of other countries, the impact of modernization could create contradictions in our long-standing African traditions. We can only lay a sure and stable foundation towards rapid progress for Africa if We foresee the consequences of every step in its true aspect, and try to apply effective and appro- priate methods to the problems of each country.
Course Topics
This Courses is Free for all Guest members.
10 Topics in 15 weeks
Quizz 1er after 2 weeks — 10%
1-Homework after 4 weeks- 30%
Intra after 8 weeks- 20%
2- Homework after 10 weeks- 15%
Quiz after 12 weeks — 10%
Final after 15 weeks –15%