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School of Melchisedeck

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All component of The Melchisedeck School are under- Churchical, Hospital, Universities.

Melchizedek is mentioned three times in the Bible.
1 In chapter XIV of Genesis, it is said that Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God, blessed Abraham, victorious over his enemies,
2 In Psalm CX, verse 4, it is written: The Lord has sworn and will not repent: You are a priest forever, after the manner of Melchizedek.
3 In the letter to the Hebrews it is stated that Melchizedek is the foreshadowing of Christ Himself.

This Courses is Free for all Guest members.

10 Topics in 15 weeks

Quizz 1er week- 10 % -Write anything about the positive and good side of Africa.

1-Homework after 4 weeks- 30%

Intra after 8 weeks-  20%

2- Homework after 10 weeks-  15%

Quiz after 12 weeks — 10%

Final after 15 weeks –15%


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