The UnionJah University Health Assessment for MEN over 35 years old in the community. You will see a Nurse from the UnionJah University that will make a questionnaire and a physical evaluation. A fee will be applied . Starting November 28, 2021
Many men has a mistrust of the health system. We design this program for young Latino’s, Africans, Black, Arabic person that doesn’t want to go to clinics or hospitals for assessment. For all young men that are not going to the doctor or to see a nurse one time a year.
In partnership with Santé Ideale HNC
This Assessment will include:
- Health Questionnaire
- Physical Assessment
- ECG on site
- Will decide if any analysis required
- Referrals
Take an appointment, please Call 514-562-9995
Address: 1988 St-Catherine Est suite 103 Montreal, QC H2K 2H7
Obtaining periodic health assessments on patients provides an opportunity for primary
care teams to get a snapshot on the health status and the health risks of empanelled
patients. Health assessment is a process involving systematic collection and analysis of
health-related information on patients for use by patients, clinicians, and health care
teams to identify and support beneficial health behaviors and mutually work to direct
changes in potentially harmful health behaviors. Health assessments are not intended
to be diagnostic tools and they are not complete health histories; instead, they aim to be
one method to engage patients in their own health, leading to better health choices and
improved health behaviors in the long term.

Rastafari groups
Rasta Line Design
Dazl training
The Health of our Students is essential for the UnionJah University Administration